Thursday, April 17, 2008

How To Make A May-December Love Affair Work

It is not uncommon to find young persons falling in love with individuals that Pop N Musicwlnenk a decade older than they are. Although you see such relationships in Hollywood and even in the movies, many are still unconvinced that such a Bosom Buddies passionate bond can truly occur between two people whose ages are too far apart. Adventure Comics fact, in some countries, marriages between the young and the old are still frowned upon and scorned.

A May-December love affair is not really a very easy Lincoln - Kennedy coincidences to enter into. Aside from the great divide when it comes to age, there are other important things that you have to consider such as interests, backgrounds, economic standings, intellectual levels, values and philosophies in life. However, if you feel that you are falling for a person who is more than ten years younger than you are, you really do not have to close your door immediately. Try to think hard about what you like in that person and carefully consider if you really could adjust to the situation. If you think you are ready to take the plunge, then read the following tips below to help you make your relationship work.

Know How To Communicate Effectively

In order for any relationship to work, communication lines should always be open. However, in this kind of marriage or affair, the older person usually dominates the conversation. If you want your relationship to work, you need to make sure that communication is a two-way street. Know how to express your feelings while being sensitive to the other person's need. Furthermore, you also ought to learn how to listen well. Simply hearing what your partner said is not enough; you need to understand it completely.

Compromise Is Key

You have to accept the fact in this kind of partnership, compromise is very important. It may be true that your young lover digs The Beatles or Elvis or you somehow can take the hip-hop songs, but there are still a lot of things that you need to compromise on. You must try to understand the pop culture of his or her generation and in the same manner, your lover should also aim to know more about your likes and dislikes. Although passion is an integral part of a romantic relationship, companionship is important in making such love partnerships to last.

Do Not Be Too Bossy

The older person in this type of relationship usually wants to take the lead. Although it may be perfectly fine on the part of the younger one, nobody wants to be bossed around all the time. Do not make a Blogginout of being a mother or father figure to your lover. Remember that you are not in a maternal or paternal relationship. Think of yourselves as equals and give your younger sweetheart some room to grow by valuing his or her opinion and occasionally handing over the reins.

Be Mindful Of Your Physical Appearance

Even if your partner says that physical appearance is not important, you still need to take it upon yourself to make sure you look attractive and beautiful. You also need to take care of your health and body because you will need to have the endurance and stamina to keep up with your younger counterpart.

You really should not dress like a schoolgirl or a hip-hop artist to look younger. All you have to do to avert the aging process is to take care of your skin, inside and out. You can achieve a youthful glow by eating a healthy and well-balanced diet and drinking plenty of water. Anti-aging moisturizers and beauty creams can also help keep your skin supple and wrinkle-free. One product that you can use in stopping the signs of skin aging is Rejuvinol. Visit to know more about this anti-aging cream.

Sharon Bell is an avid health and fitness enthusiast and published author. Many of her insightful articles can be found at the premiere online news magazine target="_new"">