Wednesday, May 7, 2008

The Secret to Being a Successful investment Owner

One of Paxil - 30 pills @ 20mg each here saddest facts of small investment ownership is that most small investment Looking for inexpensive, reliable website hosting? work WAY as well hard for WAY as well little: as well little money, as well little time off and as well few clients.

They're overwhelmed, confused, sleep-deprived and 4 out of 5 of them will be back in a J O B within a few years. The odds are once morest you.

The question isn't if or not you're Mighty Heroes enough or dedicated enough or have enough passion -- chances are, you have all of the above, until burnout occurs.

W Edwards Deming, a pioneer in the world of investment, once said, "97% percent of all [investment] failure is due to the system -- not the person." That said...

  • What systems do you have in place in Ghosts investment?
  • If you have an helpant or team and one of them walks out on you, would your investment grind to a halt or would it be a minor bump in the road?
  • When a prospect calls about becoming a new client, does she go through the same process as everyone else or does it depend what you're working on and your mood that day?
  • What are you doing to *consistently* market your investment?

Are you working smart or hard?

When you write an article for your email newsletter or prepare a tip sheet for a client, what else are you doing I'll Be Home For Christmas that work AND are you doing it consistently or just "when you have time"?

Is it sitting in a folder on your machine or do you have a system in place for it to actively build your list and show you as the expert in your field?

If you're not repurposing or repackaging EVERYTHING you do, you're working as well hard! Here's just one quick example of what you should be doing:

Take the article you wrote for this week's newsletter and:

1. Convert it to a press release about how X benefits small investment owners.

This is especially good for subject-sensitive items such as "small investment tax tips" or "investment planning/resolutions around the New Year" or information you have to share.

2. Record the article and offer it as a free audioclass on your internet so prospects get to know you.

I use and LOVE it -- unlimited recordings (including teleseminars) for $19.95/month and they make it oh-so-easy (and offer free live trainings) -- even for the non-techie.

3. Bundle it with other articles

Group a bunch of your articles and offer them as a free special report on your internet to help build your mailing list OR sell them for a quick source of passive revenue.

One thing to always remember: People WILL pay for convenience! If you offer them a quick and easy download that saves them time, they are more likely to choose that over researching the topic themselves.

And the secret to being a successful investment owner? Having AND using systems in all aspects of your investment -- success without systems is luck; outrageous success without systems is impossible.

Your Coaching Challenge

It's a holiday week for those of us in the U.S., so I won't give you as well much. :-)

Think about all the things you've written -- either for your newsletter or for your clients -- and how you can reuse them in a different way to build your list, build your credibility as an expert and create a new, passive revenue stream.

Sandra Martini, the Automatic investment Coach, and award-winning author teaches small investment owners how to implement processes and systems designed to take them out of the day-to-day running of their investment. For more information and to receive her FREE e-course/audio series, "5 Quick & Easy Ways To Put Your Marketing on Autopilot", visit