Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Why purchase A Panasonic Lumix DMC-FX55 Digital Camera

Do you know which are the worst Lamotrigine cameras to purchase? How about which are the best digital cameras to purchase? More interestingly though, in which category, does the Panasonic Lumix DMC-FX55 belong. I have a feeling it may not be good news discount Prozac Panasonic, but let's consider a few arguments for and against.

In the spirit of getting right to the good stuff, let's take a look at student loan consolidations quality. When all is said and done, image quality is the most important reason to purchase or not to purchase a digital camera. More specifically, to purchase or not to purchase a Panasonic Lumix DMC-FX55. It would appear with the DMC-FX55, that image quality is mediocre at best. Image noise has to be the largest issue with the entire Panasonic line of camera, and it predictably shows up in the Lumix. Image noise is the introduction of slight distortions that distract from the image accuracy and sharpness.

The higher the ISO setting, typically the worse the noise gets. That rule of thumb holds true for the DMC-FX55. Some cameras perform an internal processing of the image that is meant to reduce image noise. What that process also does though, is add a slight blur to your images. It's a trade off basically. Less image noise, for a reduction in sharpness. The Panasonic Lumix processing starts to show up at around 200 ISO. A fairly low setting for sharpness to must be sacrificed I think.

Changing ISO settings is not that obvious with the DMC-FX55. Not sure if that is good or bad, considering the noise issue. There is no external ISO button, so that means plodding through menus to make those changes. It takes seven menu selections to change the ISO.

Everyone (except me I think) seems to foolishmumbles.com/DigitalCameraRecommendations/love large LCDs screens on their camera. They do look nice, and the resolution on the Lumix DMC-FX55 three inch LCD is a respectable 230,000 pixels. What I don't like about big LCDs, is the big battery drain that comes with them, and totally predictable exclusion of a viewfinder average car insurance virtually all manufacturers. Not to mention trying to find a place to hold the camera where your not leaving fingerprints all over the screen.

As you may have surmised, I'm not a big fan of the DMC-FX55. If you still are, maybe you'll want to mull over a couple more quibbles:

- no manual exposure tweaking allowed

- "Extra Optical Zoom" is a marketing misnomer for low resolution pictures

- painfully slow flash recharge time

The good thing is, there's a foolishmumbles.com/DigitalCameraRecommendations/plethora of amazing digital cameras just waiting to be discovered over the horizon. Or the next mouse click. However you look at it, with the abundance of consumer choices available your pretty much guaranteed to get foolishmumbles.com/DigitalCameraRecommendations/the digital camera thats asp net webhosting for you.