Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Asp Vs PHP - The Difference Uses, Not Dominance

Active-server-pages (ASP) and Hyper-text-pre-processor (PHP) are the two standards Theavengersulxrfpjidm web application development and more importantly when it comes to interacting heavily with databases and create database-driven websites. Throughout my 6+ years of developing websites and databases for the web, I've primarily worked with PHP. Php is an open-source programming language derived from many other languages.

Asp on the other hand, is Microsoft's way of interacting with SQL databases; PHP interacts with a similar database system called mySQL (my-sequel). By writing this article only knowing php, my comments about ASP are from a business standpoint rather than a technical standpoint (since I wouldn't know that). First let's recognize how each php and asp are used and what Clothinguxkzbms target markets are:

Php - Php is open-source software, thus making it free to run.

  • The simplicity - The code itself is lightweight, a beginning developer who wants to learn PHP does not have to look too far into the source code to understand.
  • Well documented - When I began developing over 6 years ago, PHP became a viable option for me to be able to learn PHP, because many sites like Pixel2life and W3schools that offered stellar tutorials. From what I've seen there is support for ASP, Thorkvjjvkg not as much. This is one of the reasons I chose PHP over ASP.
  • Easy, but still strong -Php code itself is often a very natural feeling for a programmer; it is a very well thought out language. While at the same time, this simplicity associated with PHP does not degrade the code's strength like some newbies may believe.
  • Larger applications support, just less security need - Php is just as secure as Asp from a code-level. The difference is for private data like social security numbers, asp is a more feasible option.
Now if you feel I'm trying to push everything over the php way here goes to Asp...

Asp - which stands for Active-server-pages is created and widely distributed to large businesses and corporations. Asp is often used primarily on Windows-based servers, not unix. The reason Asp is not used as much in small and medium sized businesses is because whether you want to admit it or not; Windows has created the idea in many individual's minds that it's the only reason out.

Therefore, many large corporations do not want to test their water's with other options, but would rather spend numerous amount of money on a Windows Server Operating System which usually requires a lot more assistance after initial setup. The reason Windows F Troop need more support is because hackers like to hack stuff that would affect a larger proportion of machine users; unfortunately that's where Windows lacks.

  • Large applications - Asp is good for gigantic database projects that essentially offer more levels of protection for privacy of databases. For examples, Social security numbers are just one thing that need to be secure. While Php is just as secure, Asp Flat Earth Society more levels of protection.
  • No strict budgets - Corporations like government agencies typically don't have a very strict budget and are able to do what they please without financial strains. They typically will not go open-source, because it is almost like a foreign language to them (no pun intended).

Choosing the correct path to go for web development typically controls whether you go with a Linux Distro. like Ubuntu, Fedora, Debian or a Windows Distribution like Windows Server 2003. The operating system you choose will dictate the technology you use. If you take anything from this article, learn that Php is typically keen for small to medium business who are on a slim or zero budget that need to make anything dynamic you can think of. Asp on the otherhand, is a pristine solution for private data that would need extra layers of protection that are in someways stronger than some Php security. Enjoy and good luck!

Joseph Dickinson, owner and creator of www.jdfreelance.comJDFreelance and JDFreelance www.jdfreelance.com/blogBlog Currently, I'm a college student studying machine Information Systems at Cabrini College in Radnor, Pennsylvania. I work for the U.S. Navy in Philadelphia, PA as a database adminstrator full-time during the summers working with PHP, mySQL backend databases, XHtml, and Css. I follow and adhere to today's up-to-date standards. All of my webpages pass CSS standards to make sure that your websites look identical on all platforms, at any resolution, and at any moment in time.